• How do I look

    Performance research by Virginia Kennard

    What does it mean to look and to be looked at?


    Reversing the Gaze


    Looking in to look out, looking back























    Photo graphy by Zoe Platt-Young

    for Halleujah Society 2014

  • The Lady Garden

    A performance installation of live naked women as desexualised objects, asking the audience to renegotiate the lens with which they use to look at women and women's bodies.


    Feature story TV3 Nightline

    14 December 2012

    Exhibition challenges attitudes to nudity


    Feature story Radio New Zealand Upbeat

    14 December 2012

    The Lady Garden

    World premiere, Matchbox Studios

    Wellington, December 2012


    NZ Fringe Festival, Matchbox Studios

    Wellington, January 2013


    Explicit: Implicit, The Porn Project

    Auckland, August 2013


    Winter edition, Understudy bar

    Wellington, August 2014


    promiscuous makes an entrance

    Performed for S.A.M.P.L.E.

    (Some Artists Make Performance Laboratory Experiments)

    Monthly performance art night curated by Alana Yee

    Performance research would become facets of The Lady Garden






    Photography by Sara Cowdell


    October 2011 - Virginia Kennard

    March 2012 - Willow Newey and Jillian Davey

    April 2012 - Salena Govind

  • how do i look?

    The composition sounds like a woman who cannot speak, who is not allowed to speak.

    Virginia and Emi developed the composition to include distorted recordings of a man speaking.

    The resulting sonic work juxtaposes [un]gendered words with the gendered expectations of the gaze, to which Virginia performed a broken-hearted dance work, blind, for her ex-girlfriend.












    photography by paul jennings

    How do i look?

    Movement performance by Virginia Kennard

    Sonic composition by Emi Pogoni

    Vocal artists Vincent Konrad and Rose Blake

    Explicit: Implicit, The Porn Project

    Auckland 2013


    broken image

    Sound::Gender::Feminism::Activism 2014

    Featured sonic composition with Emi Pogoni

    What in the historical present might constitute

    an activist life in sound?


    London College of Communication

    University of the Arts, London

    16 - 17 October 2014

  • what is body positivity?

    Spoken word performance

    Poetry in Motion, Heaven Pizza

    October 2013


    Is it my mum who

    won't leave the house without makeup on

    Is it my best friend from high school who cuts the size tags out of her clothes

    Is it me who

    is invisible if you aren't looking

    Photography by Phillipa Clark

    "Sometimes i talk out loud

    whilst taking my clothes off" - Virginia

  • to and fro

    in process






    populating the gallery space with our performance practices

    artspace, auckland, july - august 2014




    Photography by peter jennings

    broken image


    Photography by Amelia Hitchcock

    broken image


    Soundscape by Emi Pogoni

    Photography by Nina Gastreich

  • notes on looking

    Where am i looking if i am not looking at you?

    That’s not me i see.


    photography by aurynn shaw

    broken image

    notes on looking 2.0

    Photo by Paradox Photography

    The Menagerie

    Fringe Bar, Wellington

    27 June 2015



    broken image

    notes on looking 1.0

    Photography by

    Myah Flynn

    Short & Sweet Festival

    TAPAC, Auckland

    September 2014

  • The Bloody Bride






















    Premiere performance 21 November 2014

    Tease, In Good Company

    Cuba Street, Wellington

    Dress by Brides of Piccadilly, Sydney

    for Nadia Cranganu, 2007


    Body painting by Soumya Bhamidipati


    Photography by Filippo Gasparini


    welcome to my period party


    [working title The Red Wedding]



















    Performance images featured at

    Widening the Cycle

    A Menstrual Cycle & Reproductive Justice Art Show, Suffolk University Law School

    Boston, 4 - 6 June 2015


    Featured at

    You Occupy My Body By Looking


  • You occupy my body by looking

    Toi Pōneke Gallery

    17 day exhibition and performance season Toi Pōneke Gallery, 4 - 20 June 2015


    Performance installation, collection of performance residue and rubble


    Emerging materials, recordings, drawings, photographs, words, sonic compositions, dances, video footage, performance trace


    You occupy my body by looking


    Radio NZ interview with Sonia Sly

    Naked Discourse





    Toi Pōneke Arts Centre

    61 - 69 Abel Smith Street
    Te Aro, Wellington

    Photography by Aurynn Shaw

    Workshop session, The Pyramid Club

    May 2015

  • voyeurist

    Explorations in pole dance


    Mashup by Betty Lightbulb

    "Asylum Noir"

    Photography by Rex Ostil Bustria

    The Pole Room, November 2015

    Sci-Fi Fantasy show, Fringe Bar

    Wellington, New Zealand

  • coming up

    more exciting art adventures to be had by

    betty lightbulb

    the naked brastrap

    & virginia kennard

    broken image

    i'm selling shoes obviously - an homage to guy bordin

    Mashup by Betty Lightbulb

    Photography by Kowhai Montgomery

    broken image

    Teenage dreamer

    Barbies are great

    Because i love lip-syncing to Katy Perry

    broken image

    moral panic

    Mashup by Betty Lightbulb

    Photography by Fern King